Monday, September 17, 2007

Kingdom and Other Places in Encantadia



The land of the Diwatas is the Kingdom of Lireo, bounded on the east. The wise, strong, brave and powerful Cassiopea was the first ruler and founder of Lireo. Cassiopea helped, rather eluctantly with using the Jewel, at the extinction of Etheria and later became a member representing Lireo at the Council of Encantadia. At the start of the series, the ruler was Mine-a who was succeeded by her daughter Amihan. The ruler of Lireo carries either the title of Reyna or Ynang Reyna if she is already with sons/daughters. This kingdom is the keeper of the Jewel of Air. Lireo had 10 Queens during the series.

Lireo is considered the most progressive among the kingdoms. Their kingdom is obviously powered by a large windmill. They have the tallest towers and also seem to have cable cars in the palace. Their armies are the only ones who have Sasakyang Panghimpapawid (Airships). Their most powerful weapon of war is the Katapulto (fire catapult).


On the North of Encantadia is the Kingdom of Sapiro. The land of valiant, shrewd and cunning warriors, the Sapirians. At the start of the series, this vast kingdom was under the rule of King Armeo, his wife and queen Mayne, and his future heir Prince Ybrahim (also named Ybarro). This kingdom is the original keeper of the Jewel of Earth, the land blessed with precious metals and stones and its soil fertile enough for crops to grow. This also is the kingdom from where Prince Raquim, King Armeo's cousin and Amihan's father, hails from. It is also the kingdom that rescued the Adamians from the clutches of the Hathors during the time of their conquest. In that conquest, the Hathors got hold of two of the jewels and used this advantage to defeat the Sapirians who had but one gemstone. The whole kingdom was destroyed in that battle. King Armeo was also killed later in the fight with King Arvak, the Hathorian king at that time and the father of the present king Hagorn. But Arvak was killed by Prince Raquim, regained the gemstones and gave it to Queen Mine-a of Lireo for safeskeeping. Armeo's father, King Meno, helped the extinction of Etheria and became a member of the Council of Encantadia. So far, there are only two known surviving Sapirians from the Royal House: Ybrahim, the next heir to the throne, and Asval, a strange and mysterious warrior (whose real loyalties are uncertain and turned out to be a traitor) who was always with his two accomplices Bandok and Axilom.

The Sapirians are closely similar to the Diwatas, they can also teleport themselves to another place and shoot out blast bolts from their hands. However, they are more hostile, more cunning and shrewder than the denizens of Lireo. They have the ability to heal themself or others of a disease or any kinds of wounds. In contrast to Lirean royalty, Sapirian royalty is very much akin to the traditional patriarchal definition of an absolute monarchy. This means the eldest son of the king is next in line to rule the mystical kingdom. The Sapirian king is allowed to love whoever he wants to love and choose his wife but the difference from the Diwatas is that their race is dominated by men.

The Sapirians are best known for their unmatched skills in swordsmanship and archery. They are also proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Sapirians also have incredible strength, which they draw all their powers from. They are very shrewd and cunning, making them great allies and very dangerous enemies in battle that even the Hathors fear them, but despite these abilities Sapirians are friendly and kind-hearted.

The Sapirians are also involved in the founding of the kingdom of Lireo. The land where Lireo stands was once a forest where Prince Raquim brought the Diwatas to hide under Evades' protection during Queen Avria's great purge against the Diwatas. It was here that they found refuge and peace. Cassiopeia declared it Lireo. Until the war that brought down Etheria, Lireo flourished as a powerful kingdom next to Sapiro.

There are four tribes on Sapiro:

  1. Adjantao : the land of the nomads
  2. Ascano : the land of the Barbaros
  3. Yudo-o : not much is known, but Rosas from Book 3 is said to be the last of her tribe.
  4. Arnon : the tribe of Azulan (book 3), a mortal who fell in love with Amihan disguised as a powerful prince, the twin warriors Luntian and Violeta and the Adamian Dilawan.

Sapirians would be later revealed as miners. This would explain the riches they have hidden underground the caverns. They also produce the best wine in Encantadia.


Situated in the Southern tip of Encantadia, the Kingdom of Adamya is the home of the little people or prairies. These small yet intelligent creatures are called Adamians and are the keepers of the Jewel of Water. The kingdom is headed by its wise and faithful ruler Imaw, who possesses a staff that enables him to look into the past of a particular person it can also enable him to see current events he can also wield its awesome powers (it seems that the staff is a kind of history book compressed into a single object). Imaw's father Aegen helped the extinction of Etheria and became a member of the Council of Encantadia. Its dissidents, the Adamyans, are also friends to the two other dissidents in Encantadia as well as to the Mandirigmas particularly because of their friendly nature and great wisdom.

The Adamyans are also known for being hard working farmers. They have a vast plantation and beautiful beaches (for their kingdom is very near to the lake/sea/ocean of Adamya) in their kingdom. They seem to only gather food every time without a care in the world.

During one of Encantadia's most turbulent epoch, the Kingdom of Adamya was overpowered by the Hathors' conquest to seize the Water Gem from its keeper. In the battle that transpired, a majority of the little denizens of Adamya died.


On the western border is the Kingdom of Hathoria where the militaristic, vicious and power-famished Hathors abound, it is described as a dark, gloomy kingdom that is also full of decay. It is home to many dangerous beings, bounded by treacherous terrains and caverns. Hathors are known throughout encantadia for their prowess in battle and superior knowledge of the arts of war (only the Sapirians are more cunning and more war-like). During the latter half of his reign, the Hathorian King Arvak embarked on a campaign of conquest to steal all four elemental jewels that would signal the start of a chaotic era in the history of Encantadia. Arvak's ancient predecessor, Bartimus, had a hand in the extinction of Etheria and became a member of the Council (Konseho) of Encantadia. After Arvak died during the fall of Sapiro, his son and successor Hagorn ascended the throne and continued his work.

Hathors multiply every time Encantadia's two moons are simultaneously full. The Hathorian king and a good number of his followers go to Balaak, their place of multiplication. There the King performs a ritual wherein his blood is drunk by Hathors. The "anointed" Hathors are then left inside Balaak for seven days to spontaneously multiply.

Hathors are known to be the most spiritually connected with their ancestors. They have rituals in which the current king would be able to talk with a chosen ancestor. They are also the only people from Encantadia who is not blessed with long age. They grow old and die like humans.

In their battle against Lireo, Hathors were found to have flier commandos. These units were equipped with skydiving gears to attack and board Lirean airships. Their most powerful weapon in war is the Cannon.


Note: These information are only for the dynasty of Etheria.

The most powerful kingdom yet in the dawning age of Encantadia. It is located on the middle of Encantadia, obviously surrounded by its neighboring kingdoms, making it the capital-kingdom. This is not only what many encantados call it, but also the most "scared-off" above all kingdoms, but that was in the ancient times.

Etheria contains four more sub-kingdoms, or called in Enchanta, Heras, or tribes in English. They are also the homes of the four guardians of the Golden Hourglass. Hera Andal, citadel of Etheria, housing the powerful Queen Avria, center of medicine of the kingdom, is located in the middle of Etheria. Hera Sensa, home to the "mind-benders" of Encantadia, where Hera Andora lives, located west of Hera Andal. Hera Volo, source of Hera Andal's Kawals and warriors, located just a little west from the Lireo-Etheria boundary, home of the time-keepers in Etheria who can manipulate the pace of time, place of origin of the most powerful warrior of Etheria, Hera Juvila. And Hera Aega, south of Etheria (far from the bustling cities of Hera Andal, Hera Sensa and Hera Volo), tribe of the women-warriors who can change the emotions of anyone they desire, tribe where Hera Odessa lives.

Etheria was reborn by its key, Sang'gre Cassandra, and was destroyed by the four Sang'gres, Pirena, Amihan, Alena and Danaya.


Asnamon Tree

This tree served as the passageway between Encantadia and the Human World. Its history was shown in Etheria. Mine-a noticed that the tree emitted luminescent orange leaves, indeed a very lovely tree. After fighting with Hagorn in front of the tree, Prince Raquim said that the tree was intended to be a witness of joy and true love. Instead, it has witnessed violence for true love. He cursed the tree to never blossom anything lovely again and be a passageway to the other world. And indeed the curse was carried out. From being a tree full of hope, it became a tree connecting the magical realm to the mortal world.

Portal leading to Etheria

This portal, where no eye can see, is where a giant wooden door, very much like the design on the great Aztec calendar with the sun on the center, but very different because it has carving on both faces, is kept, with a giant rotating mechanism serving as a gate to another dimension. This one has inscriptions on its sides, unrecognizable to any. At the start of Chapter 138, three guards (a Sapiryan, a Diwata and a Hathor) are seen standing by guarding it. But, by chance, the door started rotating and there appeared two Etherian soldiers with none other than Animus, the killer of Memen & Ornia, Cassiopea's parents. The guards fought with them, but the Etherians won with Animus carrying away a golden chest, but its real purpose is soon yet to come. Cassiopea became a voice-over, asking us if this is the curse thereupon mentioned in Etheria, because a guard also mentioned, in Enchanta, "The curse of Etheria". This door might likely be the one behind Avria's throne in her throne room in Etheria.


This mountain is where the Ajantao tribe, the ganto, a unicorn-like pashnea (creature), and Evades, the last remaining pure-blood Etherian (Brother of Hera Barkus of Hera Sensa and cassiopea's mentor and caretaker) live.


One of the 4 tribes of the fallen kingdom of Sapiro, this is where the Barbarians ("Barbaro") live. It's leader is the gigantic Wahid, Who became Ybrahim's Head Soldier after the last war.


Balaak is considered the hell of the diwatas. This is where Hitano's soul went and the reason why when he was revived by Pirena, he became a "zombie".

Gurna brought Pirena to this place when the double full moon rose from Encantadia's night sky, prophesied by Cassiopea as a "horrible night" (karimarimarim na gabi in Tagalog). She is supposed to show her ward how new Hathors were bred, and how Pirena can defeat the Hathors. However, in the course of scouting where Hagorn and his men were heading, Pirena was bitten by a strange luminous creature, her wounds shaped like the four jewels of Encantadia in a north-west-south-east position, very much like in the logo, thus causing them to leave the place.

Hathors perform a 'breeding ritual' in this place lead by their king, once every double full moon (note: double full moons must be very, very rare for encantados), as described above. They drink the king's blood and with the aid of the tablenar (slates of stone encrypted with enchan characters), they will multiply. Hathors breed in this place for seven days. Luckily, when Pirena became well again, she heeded her jewel of fire and she struck the tablenars, destroying them forever.

Batis ng Katotohanan (The Stream of Truth)

The River where Cassiopeia sent Mira to see the face of the person she will love. This is also the place where Odessa found out Ybrahim was Alena's husband. Alena also found out that the Sapiryan with Odessa is Ybrahim. This is also where Alena killed Animus.


Devas is considered the heaven of Encantadia, and also the home of Bathala (Emre in Enchan) and his brother Arde the black dragon that guards the Limbo. This is where Encantadians go when they pass away. Although, some Encantadians can go here temporarily even when they are still alive. One example of this is Lira's mission to meet Mine-a in Devas. Some Encantadians from devas can also come back to Encantadia like for example when Raquim returned to teach and free Ybrahim in Sapiro.


Etheria is the 5th kingdom of Encantadia and it is been ruled by four queens of Etheria. It's Bathaluman called Ether is the Lord of the Etherians. This kingdom was destroyed by the sugo's of the other 4 kingdom and only to prove that Etheria is a kingdom in Encantadia. Ether make a sword that is called KABILAN and it is been protected by Cassiopeia.

Mount Lavanea

The volcano where the diwata Lavanea lives. It is full of Uruvaks, scavenger pashneas. Lavanea is a powerful guardian who controls the volcano. She is responsible for making Mount Lavanea active or dormant. In order for this Diwata to perform her natural duties, she has to exist without a heart and emotion. She serves the Gem of Fire - Brilyante ng Apoy.


Limbo is the place between the Encantadia and Devas. It is a floating island guarded by a black dragon named Arde.

Warrior's camp

Located somewhere along the borders of Lireo is the camp of the Mandirigma (Warriors). Rougish nomads without fealty or allegiance, Mandirigma survive mainly by stealing from the four other kingdoms, mostly from Lireo. This lifestyle endowed their members with cunning and great fighting skills, albeit rather crude manners and blurry morals. Often looked down upon by the citizens of Lireo, they have acquired a reputation for being nothing more than petty criminals, but unknown to many the Mandirigma are also kind hearted and they kill only the Hathors.

Places in the human world


Avila is the kingdom of the Mulawin located on the top of a mountain near the town of Tierra Fuego of the human world. It is where Bagwis and Dakila revived Mila after Hagorn attacked her.


this is their Kingdom established by Ravenum and Rasmus (The rebell mulawins who turned into Ravenas) with the help of sanggre Pirena, this is the place where Danaya ang bagwis went to for taking an aid for Lira...

Anthony's mansion and business office

Most of the story in the human world is set in Anthony's mansion and business office. In the mansion, the story focuses more on the scenes between the love triangle of Lira, Mira, and Anthony while in the office, the plot of the story centers on the rivalry between Anthony and Carlos regarding who will take-over the real-estate business of Carmen, who is Anthony's mother and Carlos' aunt.

Bottom of the sea

It is where Danaya recovered her Earth Jewel and battled a sea monster with the help of a dolphin.

Human plane

The human world (mundo ng mga tao in Tagalog) can be found outside the dimension of Encantadia and the only portal between the two worlds is the Tree of Asnamon, which can only be opened by a magical medallion and when the portal opens, it produces a vortex that serves as a door. The place of the humans is set in modern times. One of the notable humans in the story is Anthony, who fell in love with Mila (short for Milagros), Lira's name in the world of the human beings. Mira, the daughter of Pirena, also fell in love with him but Anthony loves Mila more, making them a love triangle.


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